
Immortal Rising 2 is a world of alliances and competitions among Immortals. Players embark on a journey to confront the Seven Demons through adventures, dueling with other Immortals in the arena to become stronger. At times, they must explore dungeons in search of hidden treasures and acquire skills and items to continue their challenges.

The first core value that Immortal Rising 2 aims to deliver through gameplay is the full ownership of achievements gained through competition and collaboration by the player and the community. The history of the player is recorded on the blockchain, and the assets acquired will be tradable.

The second core value is to provide players with the experience of becoming the actual owners of the game. Through continuous play and contribution, players can reach certain statuses that grant them the authority to decide on major rules and policies within the game. This goes beyond merely conveying opinions to involve direct planning, proposing, and decision-making authority.

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